Best terminal environment for Cygwin/Windows? Best terminal environment for Cygwin/Windows? windows windows

Best terminal environment for Cygwin/Windows?

minTTY is also pretty good. You can find it in cygwin's setup. Supports re-sizing, pasting, and transparency.

I'm currently using PuttyCyg ( I'm not sure if it will contain fixes needed by you, but it has several other cool features, for example configurations stored to typical putty profiles, which can be invoked like: putty -load mycygwin1. Such profile can configure things like:

  • logging sessions to a file,
  • character sequences for delete, home, and other keys,
  • window colors and fonts.

Edit: it is possible to enter chars you mentioned. UTF-8 support is also provided (it has to be turned on in configuration).

Add the following two lines to the readline config file ~/.inputrc

set convert-meta offset output-meta on

Should work both in rxvt and mintty. More here: