Bridged networking not working in Virtualbox under Windows 10 Bridged networking not working in Virtualbox under Windows 10 windows windows

Bridged networking not working in Virtualbox under Windows 10

First of all you have to create a VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet adapter

In Virtualbox :

  • Go to File > PreferencesOn the Network tab select Host only Networks click on "add a Host-only adapter" give it a name by default it is "VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet adapter"

In Windows :

  • go to Network connections on Windows and highlight both the real adapter and the new virtual ethernet adapter that you just created.
  • Right click and select "Bridge Connections", it's going to create a network bridge in Windows.

Now configure your VM :

  • in the Network part you can activate a new adapter and then select Attached to Host only adapter
  • Choose the VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet adapter you have just created

You can now configure your static IP Address by modifying /etc/network/interfaces :

auto eth0iface eth0 inet staticaddress

You can now restart eth0 by doing :

sudo ifdown eth0sudo ifup eth0

Some wireless adapters don't work

My Windows 10 machine was automagically updated today. Looks like the "Windows 10 Anniversary update" When I restarted Virtualbox my server with a bridged adapter showed same as OP. I tried rerunning the VirtualBox installer (it did a Repair) - that did not fix the issue. I tried running the installer again as Admin (it did a Repair) - that did not fix. I ran the installer and selected UnInstall, then ran it again to Install. And the Network adapter settings looked good. Server started and connected to my network as usual. Whew.Hope this helps someone.

Go to your net card. Go to properties and then "Add service", which? This: VirtualBox NDIS6 Bridged Networking Driver

Reopen Virtual Box