Can't copy files to UNC Destinations if BAT file is called via scheduled task Can't copy files to UNC Destinations if BAT file is called via scheduled task windows windows

Can't copy files to UNC Destinations if BAT file is called via scheduled task

I was able to figure it out. Following batch files works under scheduler, even as local system account:

net use m: \\server\share /U:server\user passwordxcopy C:\source m: /E /Y

It maps a network drive every time and then copy to that drive

It's possible to copy files to a UNC path without mapping as a network drive.Just try to set the UNC path in quotes.

copy * "\\server\share"

Without the quotes, i got a "syntax error" running on Windows7 command line.

I had similar issue where I wanted to copy file(s) from a server to hundreds of other servers without mapping a remote drive to my local PC. I didn't have enough drive letters to map hundreds of remote machines to my local PC! I couldn't just map the remote drive and copy.

I thought I could use copy, xcopy, or robocopy, and specify my creds to the copy command. But none of the copy commands had any options to provide credentials to remote system.

Thanks to the post above, I was able to create a small batch file where I just loop through my hosts, and keep re-using just one drive mapping for all my hosts.

Here is my batch file...

echo @offfor /F %%j in (pchostslist1.txt) do (  net use z:\\%%j\c$ /user:domain\myusername mypassword  mkdir \\%%j\c$\tmp\mynewdir  xcopy c:\anyfile.txt \\%%j\c$\tmp\mynewdir  net use z: /delete)