Celery task timeout/time limit for windows? Celery task timeout/time limit for windows? windows windows

Celery task timeout/time limit for windows?

If you really need to set the task timeout, you can use the child process to achieve, the code as follows

import jsonfrom multiprocessing import Processfrom celery import current_appfrom celery.exceptions import SoftTimeLimitExceededsoft_time_limit = 60@current_app.task(name="task_name")def task_worker(self, *args, **kwargs):    def on_failure():        pass    worker = Process(target=do_working, args=args, kwargs=kwargs, name='worker')    worker.daemon = True    worker.start()    worker.join(soft_time_limit)    while worker.is_alive():        worker.terminate()        raise SoftTimeLimitExceeded      return json.dumps(dict(message="ok"))def do_working(*args, **kwargs):    pass # do something

It doesn't look like there is any built in workaround for this in Celery. Could you perhaps code this into your task directly? In other words, in your python code, start a timer when you begin the task, if the task takes too long to complete, raise an exception, and resubmit the job to the queue again.