Changing font in CHOOSECOLOR dialog Changing font in CHOOSECOLOR dialog windows windows

Changing font in CHOOSECOLOR dialog

I don't think it is a good idea to alter the default font, but sure, it's doable:

function EnumChildProc(hWnd: HWND; lParam: LPARAM): LongBool; stdcall;begin  SendMessage(hWnd, WM_SETFONT, lParam, Integer(true));  result := true;end;procedure TForm1.ColorDialogShow(Sender: TObject);var  dlg: TColorDialog;begin  if not (Sender is TColorDialog) then Exit;  dlg := TColorDialog(Sender);  SendMessage(dlg.Handle, WM_SETFONT, Self.Font.Handle, Integer(true));  EnumChildWindows(dlg.Handle, @EnumChildProc, Self.Font.Handle);end;procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);begin  with TColorDialog.Create(nil) do    try      OnShow := ColorDialogShow;      Execute(Handle);    finally      Free;    end;end;

This will use the Form1.Font font.

Color Dialog with custom font

Still, in this case, I might just find it acceptable:

Color Dialog with default font (Tahoma) Color Dialog with Segoe UI font

Tahoma (Default) vs. Segoe UI

But! There are issues involved:

Color Dialog with default font - no issues

Color Dialog with custom font causing issues

The safest thing to do, I think, is not to alter the default (intended) appearance of the dialog. Then, at least, you can blame Microsoft for any scaling issues...