Clang and C++11 headers Clang and C++11 headers windows windows

Clang and C++11 headers

You've misconfigured/mispatched Clang. You need to also add MinGW-w64 paths, somewhere around where you added your version.

Use the prebuilt version I provide with explanation here:Clang on Windows

I modified Clang to work with the MinGW-w64 headers and GCC 4.6.3 libstdc++ headers and libraries. Currently, it's stuck at version 3.2, but if you apply a similar patch to the sources (of which I unfortunately do not have a patch file) you should be able to use it as well.

The one I provide is just extract, add to PATH, and use. And 32-bit only.

Also note you are using an ancient version of MinGW-w64 GCC, and you should really update that.

Try downloading the "wchar.h" manually and placing it in your local working directory of your visual studio project. Works well for me.

If you pass -nostdinc++ to clang you should be able to point it to the exact configuration of includes with multiple -I switches. Try -nostdsysteminc -nobuiltininc as well.

And -v should show you where and in what order it looks for headers when it compiles:

clang++ -v -nostdinc++ -ID:/Code/mingw/lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-ming32/4.7.0./include/c++ -ID:/Code/mingw/lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-ming32/4.7.0./include/c++/tr1 foo.cpp