Could not load SWT library on Windows 32-bit Could not load SWT library on Windows 32-bit windows windows

Could not load SWT library on Windows 32-bit

Correct DLL files are inside swt.jar for your particular platform. You need to download SWT for Windows (not x86_64), e.g. "" from

It looks as if you have tried to use swt.jar from linux SWT. That won't work. You need to download platform-specific SWT package For each platform that you want to support.

Use the *.jar on windows. Go to Java Build Path. Remove all org.eclipse.swt.gtk.linux and replace them by with org.eclipse.swt.win32

I got a similar problem when I tried to do the "Hello World SWT" tutorial included in Eclipse 4.4.0.

In this case, the solution was really simple. I got it from Craig Williams's answer in

"For me the solution lay in the step of the tutorial titled 'Configure the Java project'. Go into the project Properties and select Java Build Path then make sure you are in the Projects tab where you added the SWT project earlier. Expand the reference to the SWT project. Where is says Native library location I found that when I followed the tutorial it said (None). I clicked Edit and found the SWT project in my workspace obviously when I added it earlier in the tutorial. Select this and click OK."

Hope it can help somebody else who got to this page.