Create aliases in emacs? Create aliases in emacs? windows windows

Create aliases in emacs?

I'm not really clear on what you're asking for. I store my commonly-used files in registers in my .emacs:

(set-register ?c '(file . "c:/data/common.txt"))(set-register ?f '(file . "c:/data/frequent.txt"))

Then I can jump to a file with jump-to-register (C-x r j):

For example, "C-x r j c" takes me to c:/data/common.txt (loading it if necessary).

Is that what you're looking for?

If you want an alias to a function, you use defalias:

(defalias 'nuke 'delete-trailing-whitespace)

But if you're complaining that Emacs's function names are too long, you should look into partial-completion-mode. With that turned on,

M-x d-t-w [RET]

will run delete-trailing-whitespace.

Here's what you need --

  • Define bookmarks that correspond to contexts you want to revisit. With Bookmark+ this need not be just a file. It can also be a whole Emacs desktop or a Dired buffer with its markings (saved), a set of other bookmarks,...

  • Use Icicles together with Bookmark+. Whenever you use C-x C-f etc. to visit a file, you can also visit a file or directory bookmark (complete against the bookmark name). Just hit C-x m when you are in the minibuffer for file-name completion.