Create folder with batch but only if it doesn't already exist Create folder with batch but only if it doesn't already exist windows windows

Create folder with batch but only if it doesn't already exist

You just use this: if not exist "C:\VTS\" mkdir C:\VTS it wll create a directory only if the folder does not exist.

Note that this existence test will return true only if VTS exists and is a directory. If it is not there, or is there as a file, the mkdir command will run, and should cause an error. You might want to check for whether VTS exists as a file as well.

if exist C:\VTS\NUL echo "Folder already exists"if not exist C:\VTS\NUL echo "Folder does not exist"

See also

(Update March 7, 2018; Microsoft article is down, archive on )

Just call mkdir C:\VTS no matter what. It will simply report that the subdirectory already exists.

Edit: As others have noted, this does set the %ERRORLEVEL% if the folder already exists. If your batch (or any processes calling it) doesn't care about the error level, this method works nicely. Since the question made no mention of avoiding the error level, this answer is perfectly valid. It fulfills the needs of creating the folder if it doesn't exist, and it doesn't overwrite the contents of an existing folder. Otherwise follow Martin Schapendonk's answer.