cURL output to file cURL output to file windows windows

cURL output to file

This output is sent to stderr. So, to get it all you need is redirect stream 2 (stderr) to a file as

curl -o responseFile.html 2> informationFile.txt

But, as your capture shows, times are not always included.

The better option to know if the request succeded and how long it took is to ask curl to output some internal variables. This is done with the -w switch. So, your command should look as

curl -o responseFile.html -w "%{response_code};%{time_total}" > dataFile.txt 2> informationFile.txt

That way, the response will go to responseFile.html (or whatever you need), the progress information (stderr or stream 2) will go to informationFile.txt and the required request response code and time information will go to dataFile.txt

This is what you need:

curl -o gettext.html 2> details.txt

The above will save the url to gettext.html and curl details to details.txt.