Determine Domain and username used to map a network drive Determine Domain and username used to map a network drive windows windows

Determine Domain and username used to map a network drive

WMI is your friend:

> wmic netuse where LocalName="Z:" get UserName /value


None of these answers help when using alternate credentials. They only show the current, local user. That doesn't help.

To view all stored credentials, use...

rundll32.exe keymgr.dll, KRShowKeyMgr

According to information you want is in the registry.

I have tried the wmic-command but it showed me the locally logged in user and not the "used DOMAIN\login"

The critical info from the link above:

Registry entry HKCU\Network\{Drive letter}\UserName is a REG_SZ that specifies the username (including domain name) whose credentials were used when the network drive was mapped.