and virtualenv issue on Windows and virtualenv issue on Windows windows windows and virtualenv issue on Windows

This is because your windows has associated .py extension with the globally installed python.exe. Therefore when you type, even though you're in a virtualenv, the global python is invoked, and it in turn finds your global django installation in its own site-packages. Try python to circumvent the association.

As shanyu already explained, it is because of *.py file associations made to your Python install executable instead of your virtualenv. However, to answer your second question differently, I solved this problem by creating a django-admin.bat in my virtualenv's Scripts directory. Its contents?

@echo offpython %VIRTUAL_ENV%\Scripts\ %*

Now you can use django-admin startproject <project_name>. The necessary PATH and VIRTUAL_ENV environment variables should have already been set correctly by virtualenv when you activated the environment.

I had a similar problem on linux when I tried to use an already exisiting django project with a later installed virtualenv.

Is it possible that of django 1.2.4 is not on your path but that of your django 1.2.3 install is?

That would explain your output from

C:\> dev\venv\Scripts\activate.bat(venv) C:\> python -c "import django; print django.get_version()"1.2.4(venv) C:\> --version1.2.3

because the python command is on the path of your virtualenv but the file might not be.

As to your second question (assuming my guess above is correct): sym-link the file into your C:\dev\venv\Scripts directory, although I am not sure how that works on windows (are you using Cygwin?).

Of course you can always call it as python C:\path\to\ (since the right python version is called) but of course that is a lot of typing.