Error: Cannot find module 'dateformat' in gulp Error: Cannot find module 'dateformat' in gulp windows windows

Error: Cannot find module 'dateformat' in gulp

Had a similar issue and reinstalling gulp globally indeed fixed the issue, however, see my details regarding prior installations of node (since you mention it as well)

npm uninstall gulp -gnpm install gulp -g

The explanation is difficult to precisely offer, since I embarked on an entire troubleshooting effort, but if it is of any help - I suspect the issue is a result of installing node, but the installer is not overwriting prior versions of npm - somehow causing an internal issue somewhere. Troubleshooting flow:

  1. uninstall node
  2. delete the nodejs folder, located by default at ~\Program Files\ (orphaned node_modules with npm folder found here)
  3. reinstall node
  4. globally uninstall/reinstall gulp

Some more details on the issue can be found here: npm 3 broken when installed from official OS X Node.js installer #10434. While this is specific to OSX, I found the situation identical to myself on the Windows side.

I had the same problem. I resolved it by

  1. Delete node_modules folder
  2. npm install