Error "no such file to load" -- sqlite3/sqlite3_native (LoadError) Error "no such file to load" -- sqlite3/sqlite3_native (LoadError) windows windows

Error "no such file to load" -- sqlite3/sqlite3_native (LoadError)

download the required executable and the dll from extract to your ruby's bin (c:\Ruby192\bin)

Forget all the so called "answers", no compiling of the sources or downloading pre-compiled libraries will solve this problem, believe me I tried everything, the problem lies somewhere else. This is how it works on windows:

bundle update sqlite3

You likely get another similar error after this one regarding nokogiri, fix it with the command:

bundle update nokogiri

Enjoy your Ruby App!

Is that file (/sqlite3/sqlite3_native) in your PATH environment variable? It will need to be in order for that gem to work. If you need to check try using echo %PATH% on the command prompt.If it ends up that you need to add it to your path you can either SET PATH=%PATH%;C:\Path\To\Sqlite3 or change your environment variables by selecting the Properties\Advances\Environment Variables option after right-clicking on My Computer. Edit the path variable to contain your path and viola!