ERROR OS=Windows and the assembly descriptor contains a *nix-specific root-relative-reference (starting with slash) / [duplicate] ERROR OS=Windows and the assembly descriptor contains a *nix-specific root-relative-reference (starting with slash) / [duplicate] windows windows

ERROR OS=Windows and the assembly descriptor contains a *nix-specific root-relative-reference (starting with slash) / [duplicate]

simplest solution to prevent that warning is:

<fileSets>  <fileSet>    <directory>src/main/resources</directory>    <outputDirectory/>  </fileSet></fileSets>

or an other solution is:

<fileSets>  <fileSet>    <directory>src/main/resources</directory>    <outputDirectory>./</outputDirectory>  </fileSet></fileSets>

and it shows that something should be fixed.

This is probably because of Linux-like <outputDirectory>:

<fileSets>    <fileSet>        <directory>${basedir}/src/main/resources</directory>        <outputDirectory>/</outputDirectory>    </fileSet></fileSets>

Specify the empty <outputDirectory> or try ./.