Error while starting Storage Emulator on windows azure Error while starting Storage Emulator on windows azure windows windows

Error while starting Storage Emulator on windows azure

Do these steps:

  1. Open cmd.exe (Command Prompt)
  2. Write this:

    SqlLocalDb stop "v11.0"SqlLocalDb delete "v11.0" 

    and press Enter

Note that "v11.0" is MyInstance.

For more details, visit this link.

This problem may occur if you delete the data file C:\Users\<Username>\DevelopmentStorageDb201206.mdf but do not delete the corresponding database on the LocalDB server instance. One possible solution is:

  1. Connect to the (localdb)\v11.0 instance from SQL Server Management Studio.
  2. Delete the DevelopmentStorageDb201206 database. There will be the error message that the database deletion ended with an error. Ignore this message and refresh the database list manually.
  3. Now you can start the Azure Storage Emulator.

This is not a problem related with Azure components rather LocalDB instance is reporting back to Azure request that DB still exist. Check LocalDB instances in your machine using "sqllocaldb i" first and the delete the instance using "sqllocaldb d 'instance_name'". I could not test it in my machine but this may unblock you if localdb instance is blocking you.

In Windows Azure SDK 1.7, Windows Azure Storage Emulator uses LocalDB instance specific configuration at following location:


And based on that you will see that v11.0 instance is Windows Azure Storage Emulator specific so verify if that is running and deleting it will let DSInit to create the DB again in LocalDB.