Execute ssh with password authentication via windows command prompt Execute ssh with password authentication via windows command prompt windows windows

Execute ssh with password authentication via windows command prompt

The sshpass utility is meant for exactly this. First, install sshpass by typing this command:

sudo apt-get install sshpass

Then prepend your ssh/scp command with

sshpass -p '<password>' <ssh/scp command>

This program is easiest to install when using Linux.

User should consider using SSH's more secure public key authentication (with the ssh command) instead.

What about this expect script?

#!/usr/bin/expect -fspawn ssh root@myhostexpect -exact "root@myhost's password: "send -- "mypassword\r"interact

PuTTY's plink has a command-line argument for a password. Some other suggestions have been made in the answers to this question: using Expect (which is available for Windows), or writing a launcher in Python with Paramiko.