File permission issue with Mac/Windows when using git File permission issue with Mac/Windows when using git windows windows

File permission issue with Mac/Windows when using git

This isn't really answering your original question, but I hope to highlight another issue I ran into when attempting to trying @drewag's proposed solution...

Another issue I ran into when attempting to ignore file permissions, regardless of whether it was on a Windows or Mac machine (more prevelant on the Windows machine!), was the problem global vs. project-level configurations.

Running this command did not affect the .gitconfig file in my C:\Users\Username folder:

 git config core.filemode false

Although adding the --global flag did affect the change I was looking for:

 git config --global core.filemode false

Hope this helps someone solve some of their headaches!

If you don't care about file permissions, you can just tell your repository to ignore file permission:

git config core.filemode false