Find files on Windows modified after a given date using the command line Find files on Windows modified after a given date using the command line windows windows

Find files on Windows modified after a given date using the command line

The forfiles command works without resorting to PowerShell. The article is here:

Find files based on modified time

Microsoft Technet documentation: forfiles

For the example above:

forfiles /P <dir> /S /D +12/07/2013
  • /P The starting path to search
  • /S Recurse into sub-directories
  • /D Date to search, the "+" means "greater than" or "since"

You can use PowerShell to do this. Try:

Get-ChildItem -Recurse | Where-Object { $_.LastWriteTime -ge "12/27/2016" }

I was after the size of the files changed and did not have PowerShell. I used the following, but the clue came from other posts: Windows command for file size only

set Target=E:\userdatarem Date format is M-D-YYYYset date=12-13-2013set Filelist=d:\temp\filelist.txtset Sizelist=d:\temp\sizelist%date%.csvecho Target is %Target%echo Start date is %date%echo file list is %Filelist%echo Sizelist is %sizelist%Xcopy %Target% /D:%date% /L /S  > %Filelist%echo FileSize (bytes), FileName > %sizelist%For /f "tokens=1 delims=;" %%j in (%Filelist%) do (                call :Size "%%j"                )Goto :EOF:Size@echo offecho %~z1, %1 >> %sizelist%