Getting WinVerifyTrust to work with catalog signed files such as cmd.exe Getting WinVerifyTrust to work with catalog signed files such as cmd.exe windows windows

Getting WinVerifyTrust to work with catalog signed files such as cmd.exe

I Tested the Following Code Which sets NULL (as recommended in the docs) instead of BCRYPT_SHA256_ALGORITHM. It's No Problem.
Although The Document says The default hashing algorithm may change in future Windows versions, It’s necessary to maintain consistent behavior For Microsoft.

DWORD VerifyCatalogSignature(_In_ HANDLE FileHandle,    _In_ bool UseStrongSigPolicy){    ...    if (UseStrongSigPolicy != false)    {        SigningPolicy.cbSize = sizeof(CERT_STRONG_SIGN_PARA);        SigningPolicy.dwInfoChoice = CERT_STRONG_SIGN_OID_INFO_CHOICE;        //SigningPolicy.pszOID = const_cast<char*>(szOID_CERT_STRONG_SIGN_OS_CURRENT);        SigningPolicy.pszOID = const_cast<char*>(szOID_CERT_STRONG_KEY_OS_1);        if (!CryptCATAdminAcquireContext2(            &CatAdminHandle,            NULL,            NULL,            &SigningPolicy,            0))        {            Error = GetLastError();            goto Cleanup;        }    }    else    {        if (!CryptCATAdminAcquireContext2(            &CatAdminHandle,            NULL,            BCRYPT_SHA256_ALGORITHM,            NULL,            0))        {            Error = GetLastError();            goto Cleanup;        }    }    ...}