GIT bash on Windows: VIM doesn't find Python3 GIT bash on Windows: VIM doesn't find Python3 windows windows

GIT bash on Windows: VIM doesn't find Python3

After much effort I finally got python to work with gvim 8.0 on windows 10.The secret is that it has to be python version 2.7.0 (higher versions may work, 2.7.13 does not).

I also have python 3.6 installed to use when I actually do python programming.

python 2.7.0 is not in my PATH environment variable, but I suspect that doesn't matter.

The bitness of your vim build must match the bitness of your Python version. AFAIK, the bitness of the vim that comes with Git for Windows is 32-bit, so it won't talk to 64-bit Python.

Check if running 32-bit Windows version of terminal vim from Git Bash:

:echo has('win32unix')