git is blocked, how to install npm modules git is blocked, how to install npm modules windows windows

git is blocked, how to install npm modules

Copied from this answer

If this is an issue with your firewall blocking the git: protocol port (9418), then you should make a more persistent change so you don't have to remember to issue commands suggested by other posts for every git repo. This also just works for submodules that might be using the git:// protocol too.

Simply issue the following command:

git config --global url."https://".insteadOf git://

This simply adds the following two lines to ~/.gitconfig:

[url "https://"] insteadOf = git://

Now, as if by magic, all git commands will perform a substitution of git:// to https://

Npm and git do not use your Windows proxy settings.

You can configure them with:

set HTTP_PROXY=http://user:pass@server.url:port

Also see

If you can't get your proxy working you can run npm install on a machine that has a direct internet connection (e.g. a server in the dmz, at your hosting provider, in the cloud, etc.) and then copy the node_modules folder to your local machine.

The git proxy setting worked for me for cloning repos from github.But, when installing/updating a npm module that uses a git url, I am still getting the timeout error. The workaround for me was to set the proxy manually in the .git/config file for the repo.

[http]    proxy =   

But wait, there is more: this worked for some git url but not for other. The second and final workaround was to make sure the git proxy is set in both user config files, since my PC had a shared network user home on I drive:


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