Gradle how to add native dependency? [Libgdx] Gradle how to add native dependency? [Libgdx] windows windows

Gradle how to add native dependency? [Libgdx]

The Gradle Natives plugin should do what you want.You can specify a configuration that points at jar files that contain native dll/so. A gradle task "unpackNatives" will then unpack the dll/so into the build dirs.

Depending upon how you launch your application, you may still need to tell the Java runtime where to find the dll/so. There is some info about how this works at the project website:

You can add a flat directory as a repository in this way, as mentioned in the dependency-management section in the Gradle User Guide.

repositories {    flatDir {        dirs '../local_lib'    }}

If you want to create your own dependency-configuration natives, create it like this (more info on the same page):

configurations {    natives}

Hope that helps.