How can I create an executable from LLVM ir? How can I create an executable from LLVM ir? windows windows

How can I create an executable from LLVM ir?

Thanks to the comments of @Michael Petch and @Ross Ridge I finally understood why this does not work and found a working alternative.

The cause of the problem

There are different kinds of assembler language, which vary in syntax and are not directly compatible. As nasm is expecting another assembly language than llc is producing, it obviously does not work, which explains the long list of errors.

How to do it instead

Considering that llc has AT&T assembler as output, which was created for the GNU toolchain, the most obvious step would be to use GCC to create the executable after building the code.s file with llc.

To install GCC I downloaded MinGW, installed it and called

mingw-get install gcc

now I can access GCC which can be used to create code.exe by calling

gcc code.s -o code.exe

gcc [filename] -o [name of the created executable]

As this solution is probably more complicated than it needs to be I would be glad to see some alternatives/ improvements.