How can I create Debian install packages in Windows for a Visual Studio project? How can I create Debian install packages in Windows for a Visual Studio project? windows windows

How can I create Debian install packages in Windows for a Visual Studio project?

Debian's .deb packages are just "ar" archives containing tarballs. You can manipulate both types of files using cygwin or msys quite easily:

$ ar xv asciidoc_8.2.1-2_all.deb x - debian-binaryx - control.tar.gzx - data.tar.gz$ tar -tzf control.tar.gz ././conffiles./md5sums./control

Or you can install all the "standard" Debian stuff using cygwin, I suppose, but most of that stuff won't benefit you much if you're building a .Net app anyway.

If you use the .NET Core SDK, you can use dotnet-packaging tools to create a Debian installer package from any platform that runs .NET Core.

For example, running dotnet deb -c Release -f netcoreapp2.1 -r ubuntu.16.04-x64 would then create a .deb file which you can use to install your app on Ubuntu 16.04.

The project repository has more details.

I am not aware of any plugin that does it natively, especially since Mono users seem to prefer MonoDevelop.

However, it should be possible to use Cygwin and a custom MSBuild Task or Batch file in order to achieve that by using the native .deb creation tools.