How can I un/comment out code in MySQL Workbench using a keyboard shortcut? How can I un/comment out code in MySQL Workbench using a keyboard shortcut? windows windows

How can I un/comment out code in MySQL Workbench using a keyboard shortcut?

Thanks for filing the bug report, it's annoying.

If you have a full size keyboard try using the division symbol.
i.e. The CONTROL + "/" using the division key above the keypad instead of the "?/" key on the main keyboard.

It's not nearly as convenient, but it works for me with Windows 7 and MYSQL Workbench 6.1.

Works for me when I press either of the Ctrl buttons + / ("slash button" in Num Pad)

Instead you can also simple type "#" at the Point of line you want to comment.

  • example: #SELECT * FROM images where category_name = "cars"; comments the whole line

I can confirm that this works on OS X and Linux, but it's failing on Windows. This is likely a bug, please file a bug report at