How do I get a registry value in Inno Setup when the value only uses the default name? How do I get a registry value in Inno Setup when the value only uses the default name? windows windows

How do I get a registry value in Inno Setup when the value only uses the default name?

Just leave the SubKeyName empty, like so:

[Code]function InitializeSetup(): Boolean;var  V: string;begin  if RegQueryStringValue(HKLM, 'SOFTWARE\Google\Google Sketchup 6', '', V) then    MsgBox('Value is "' + V + '"', mbInformation, MB_OK);  Result := TRUE;end;

The matching documentation for the underlying API call is for RegQueryValueEx(), which states:

The name of the registry value.

If lpValueName is NULL or an empty string, "", the function retrieves the type and data for the key's unnamed or default value, if any.