How do I get text-icu working on Windows? How do I get text-icu working on Windows? windows windows

How do I get text-icu working on Windows?

Stack includes a copy of msys2 on Windows, which contains the pacman package manager, so we can run:

stack exec -- pacman -Sy mingw64/mingw-w64-x86_64-icustack build text-icu

I managed it by doing:

After all that, I can normalise a string in ghci.

This is how windows reacts to a missing static dependency. When the operating system starts a process it looks for static dependencies. If one is missing, then program is not started.

Use depends.exe to find out what import is missing. That could be a missing dll or one that is the wrong version.

Depends is available with 1. Visual Studio 2. The Microsoft Platform SDK 3. Other microsoft packages 4.

It pretty indispensable when tracking down what is happening in this case.