How do I load icons from a resource without suffering from aliasing? How do I load icons from a resource without suffering from aliasing? windows windows

How do I load icons from a resource without suffering from aliasing?

On Vista and up a number of new functions were added that make this task trivial. The function that is most appropriate here is LoadIconWithScaleDown.

This function will first search the icon file for an icon having exactly the same size. If a match is not found, then unless both cx and cy match one of the standard icon sizes—16, 32, 48, or 256 pixels— the next largest icon is selected and then scaled down to the desired size. For example, if an icon with an x dimension of 40 pixels is requested by the callign application, the 48-pixel icon is used and scaled down to 40 pixels. In contrast, the LoadImage function selects the 32-pixel icon and scales it up to 40 pixels.

If the function is unable to locate a larger icon, it defaults to the standard behavior of finding the next smallest icon and scaling it up to the desired size.

In my experience this function does an excellent job of scaling and the results show no signs of aliasing.

For earlier versions of Windows there is, to the very best of my knowledge, no single function that can perform this task adequately. The results obtained from LoadImage are of very poor quality. Instead the best approach I have found is as follows:

  1. Examine the available images in the resource to find the image with the largest size that is less than desired icon size.
  2. Create a new icon of the desired size and initialise it to be fully transparent.
  3. Place the smaller icon from the resource in the centre of the new (larger) icon.

This means that there will be a small transparent border around the icon, but typically this is small enough to be insignificant. The ideal option would be to use code that could scale down just as LoadIconWithScaleDown does, but that is non-trivial to write.

So, without further ado here is the code I use.

unit uLoadIconResource;interfaceuses  SysUtils, Math, Classes, Windows, Graphics, CommCtrl;function LoadIconResourceSize(const ResourceName: string; IconSize: Integer): HICON;//will not throw an exceptionfunction LoadIconResourceMetric(const ResourceName: string; IconMetric: Integer): HICON;implementationfunction IconSizeFromMetric(IconMetric: Integer): Integer;begin  case IconMetric of  ICON_SMALL:    Result := GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSMICON);  ICON_BIG:    Result := GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXICON);  else    raise EAssertionFailed.Create('Invalid IconMetric');  end;end;procedure GetDIBheaderAndBits(bmp: HBITMAP; out bih: BITMAPINFOHEADER; out bits: Pointer);var  pbih: ^BITMAPINFOHEADER;  bihSize, bitsSize: DWORD;begin  bits := nil;  GetDIBSizes(bmp, bihSize, bitsSize);  pbih := AllocMem(bihSize);  Try    bits := AllocMem(bitsSize);    GetDIB(bmp, 0, pbih^, bits^);    if pbih.biSize<SizeOf(bih) then begin      FreeMem(bits);      bits := nil;      exit;    end;    bih := pbih^;  Finally    FreeMem(pbih);  End;end;function CreateIconFromSmallerIcon(IconSize: Integer; SmallerIcon: HICON): HICON;  procedure InitialiseBitmapInfoHeader(var bih: BITMAPINFOHEADER);  begin    bih.biSize := SizeOf(BITMAPINFOHEADER);    bih.biWidth := IconSize;    bih.biHeight := 2*IconSize;//height of xor bitmap plus height of and bitmap    bih.biPlanes := 1;    bih.biBitCount := 32;    bih.biCompression := BI_RGB;  end;  procedure CreateXORbitmap(const sbih, dbih: BITMAPINFOHEADER; sptr, dptr: PDWORD);  var    line, xOffset, yOffset: Integer;  begin    xOffset := (IconSize-sbih.biWidth) div 2;    yOffset := (IconSize-sbih.biHeight) div 2;    inc(dptr, xOffset + IconSize*yOffset);    for line := 0 to sbih.biHeight-1 do begin      Move(sptr^, dptr^, sbih.biWidth*SizeOf(DWORD));      inc(dptr, IconSize);//relies on the fact that no padding is needed for RGBA scanlines      inc(sptr, sbih.biWidth);//likewise    end;  end;var  SmallerIconInfo: TIconInfo;  sBits, xorBits: PDWORD;  xorScanSize, andScanSize: Integer;  xorBitsSize, andBitsSize: Integer;  sbih: BITMAPINFOHEADER;  dbih: ^BITMAPINFOHEADER;  resbitsSize: DWORD;  resbits: Pointer;begin  Result := 0;  Try    if not GetIconInfo(SmallerIcon, SmallerIconInfo) then begin      exit;    end;    Try      GetDIBheaderAndBits(SmallerIconInfo.hbmColor, sbih, Pointer(sBits));      if Assigned(sBits) then begin        Try          if (sbih.biWidth>IconSize) or (sbih.biHeight>IconSize) or (sbih.biPlanes<>1) or (sbih.biBitCount<>32) then begin            exit;          end;          xorScanSize := BytesPerScanline(IconSize, 32, 32);          Assert(xorScanSize=SizeOf(DWORD)*IconSize);          andScanSize := BytesPerScanline(IconSize, 1, 32);          xorBitsSize := IconSize*xorScanSize;          andBitsSize := IconSize*andScanSize;          resbitsSize := SizeOf(BITMAPINFOHEADER) + xorBitsSize + andBitsSize;          resbits := AllocMem(resbitsSize);//AllocMem zeroises the memory          Try            dbih := resbits;            InitialiseBitmapInfoHeader(dbih^);            xorBits := resbits;            inc(PByte(xorBits), SizeOf(BITMAPINFOHEADER));            CreateXORbitmap(sbih, dbih^, sBits, xorBits);            //don't need to fill in the mask bitmap when using RGBA            Result := CreateIconFromResourceEx(resbits, resbitsSize, True, $00030000, IconSize, IconSize, LR_DEFAULTCOLOR);          Finally            FreeMem(resbits);          End;        Finally          FreeMem(sBits);        End;      end;    Finally      if SmallerIconInfo.hbmMask<>0 then begin        DeleteObject(SmallerIconInfo.hbmMask);      end;      if SmallerIconInfo.hbmColor<>0 then begin        DeleteObject(SmallerIconInfo.hbmColor);      end;    End;  Finally    DestroyIcon(SmallerIcon);  End;end;function LoadIconResourceSize(const ResourceName: string; IconSize: Integer): HICON;//will not throw an exception  function LoadImage(IconSize: Integer): HICON;  begin    Result := Windows.LoadImage(HInstance, PChar(ResourceName), IMAGE_ICON, IconSize, IconSize, LR_DEFAULTCOLOR);  end;type  TGrpIconDir = packed record    idReserved: Word;    idType: Word;    idCount: Word;  end;  TGrpIconDirEntry = packed record    bWidth: Byte;    bHeight: Byte;    bColorCount: Byte;    bReserved: Byte;    wPlanes: Word;    wBitCount: Word;    dwBytesInRes: DWORD;    wID: WORD;  end;var  i, BestAvailableIconSize, ThisSize: Integer;  ResourceNameWide: WideString;  Stream: TResourceStream;  IconDir: TGrpIconDir;  IconDirEntry: TGrpIconDirEntry;begin  //LoadIconWithScaleDown does high quality scaling and so we simply use it if it's available  ResourceNameWide := ResourceName;  if Succeeded(LoadIconWithScaleDown(HInstance, PWideChar(ResourceNameWide), IconSize, IconSize, Result)) then begin    exit;  end;  //XP: find the closest sized smaller icon and draw without stretching onto the centre of a canvas of the right size  Try    Stream := TResourceStream.Create(HInstance, ResourceName, RT_GROUP_ICON);    Try      Stream.Read(IconDir, SizeOf(IconDir));      Assert(IconDir.idCount>0);      BestAvailableIconSize := high(BestAvailableIconSize);      for i := 0 to IconDir.idCount-1 do begin        Stream.Read(IconDirEntry, SizeOf(IconDirEntry));        Assert(IconDirEntry.bWidth=IconDirEntry.bHeight);        ThisSize := IconDirEntry.bHeight;        if ThisSize=0 then begin//indicates a 256px icon          continue;        end;        if ThisSize=IconSize then begin          //a perfect match, no need to continue          Result := LoadImage(IconSize);          exit;        end else if ThisSize<IconSize then begin          //we're looking for the closest sized smaller icon          if BestAvailableIconSize<IconSize then begin            //we've already found one smaller            BestAvailableIconSize := Max(ThisSize, BestAvailableIconSize);          end else begin            //this is the first one that is smaller            BestAvailableIconSize := ThisSize;          end;        end;      end;      if BestAvailableIconSize<IconSize then begin        Result := CreateIconFromSmallerIcon(IconSize, LoadImage(BestAvailableIconSize));        if Result<>0 then begin          exit;        end;      end;    Finally      FreeAndNil(Stream);    End;  Except    ;//swallow because this routine is contracted not to throw exceptions  End;  //final fallback: make do without  Result := 0;end;function LoadIconResourceMetric(const ResourceName: string; IconMetric: Integer): HICON;begin  Result := LoadIconResourceSize(ResourceName, IconSizeFromMetric(IconMetric));end;end.

Using these function is quite obvious. They assume that the resource is located in the same module as the code. The code could readily be generalised to receive an HMODULE in case you needed support for that level of generality.

Call LoadIconResourceMetric if you wish to load icons of size equal to the system small icon or system large icon. The IconMetric parameter should be either ICON_SMALL or ICON_BIG. For toolbars, menus and notification icons, ICON_SMALL should be used.

If you wish to specify the icon size in absolute terms use LoadIconResourceSize.

These functions return an HICON. You can of course assign this to the Handle property of a TIcon instance. More likely you will wish to add to an image list. The easiest way to do this is to call ImageList_AddIcon passing the Handle of the TImageList instance.

Note 1: Older versions of Delphi do not have LoadIconWithScaleDown defined in CommCtrl. For such Delphi versions you need to call GetProcAddress to load it. Note that this is a Unicode only API and so you must send it a PWideChar for the resource name. Like this: LoadIconWithScaleDown(..., PWideChar(WideString(ResourceName)),...).

Note 2: The definition of LoadIconWithScaleDown is flawed. If you call it after the common controls library has been initialised then you will have no problems. However, if you call the function early on in the life of your process then LoadIconWithScaleDown can fail. I have just submitted QC#101000 to report this problem. Again, if you are afflicted by this then you have to call GetProcAddress yourself.