How is Ctrl-C message delivered to a process running on windows? How is Ctrl-C message delivered to a process running on windows? windows windows

How is Ctrl-C message delivered to a process running on windows?

When Windows needs to notify a console program of an external event, there is no window message loop to send the notification to, so Windows will create a thread in the target process to execute whatever callback function is defined. The default handler for the CTRL+C event just calls ExitProcess, but hooking the CancelKeyPress event calls the Win32 SetConsoleCtrlHandler function with a handler function.

The documentation for the handler function explains how it works:

An application-defined function used with the SetConsoleCtrlHandler function. A console process uses this function to handle control signals received by the process. When the signal is received, the system creates a new thread in the process to execute the function.

Note that the thread that Windows injects into your process has a fairly small stack, so the CLR handler routine actually queues up a Threadpool work item to execute your event handler. This means that the thread injected by Windows and a worker thread could both be created, causing you to see up to 2 additional threads during the processing of the CTRL+C event.

Yes, Windows starts up a thread to call the handler that's registered by SetConsoleCtrlHandler(). Which is called by the Hook() method of a little internal helper class named ControlCHooker. Which is called by the add() accessor of the Cancel.CancelKeyPress event. The Windows callback makes your event handler run.

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