How to change title of Git terminal in Windows? How to change title of Git terminal in Windows? windows windows

How to change title of Git terminal in Windows?

This thread is a few months old. But I think an alternative will be helpful

You can add following line to .bashrc file in your user profile folder

export TITLEPREFIX="Git Bash"

where you want Git bash to be your title prefix. This is user specific change. So if a machine is used by multiple users with their own logins, everyone can customize their own title.

A simple option is echo -ne "\e]0;YOUR TITLE HERE\a".

You were on the right track with this link

If you modify the script a bit (for me, this is located in c:\Program Files (x86)\Git\etc\profile.d\, you can make the title anything you want.

Note: You will need to run VS Code, Notepad++ or similar as administrator to write back to this directory.

First, save a backup of (like, then modify the start of as follows:

if test -z "$GITTITLEPREFIX" # if not emptythen    GITTITLEPREFIX="Git-Bash => " # prefix that will have current pwd appended after itfiif test -f ~/.config/git/git-prompt.shthen    . ~/.config/git/git-prompt.shelse    if test -n "$GITTITLE"    then   ##### Set window title directly to GITTITLE if not empty        PS1='\[\033]0;$GITTITLE\007\]'     else   ##### Set window title to GITTITLE PREFIX plus the PWD        PS1='\[\033]0;$GITTITLEPREFIX${PWD//]^[:ascii:]]/?}\007\]'     fifi###### Leave the rest of the file the same    PS1="$PS1"'\n'    PS1="$PS1"'\[\033[32m\]'###### Etc.

This will first check if GITTITLEPREFIX is empty, and if not, it will set it to "Git-Bash => " similar to in the linked article. This will have the current path appended after it, so if you want "1 : $PWD", then set GITTITLEPREFIX to "1 : " like this:


Otherwise, you can set GITTITLE to any non-empty value, and then the entire title will be set exactly to the contents of GITTITLE (no PWD appended), so if you just want "1", use this:


Then run the script. With my path, I did it like this:

. "/c/Program Files (x86)/Git/etc/profile.d/"

and the title should change. Of course, you can alias this or make a separate script from it in a location that is in the path so running it is much simpler, and the title could just be an argument. I'll leave that as an exercise for the reader...