How to communicate with USB 3G modem? How to communicate with USB 3G modem? windows windows

How to communicate with USB 3G modem?

Ok folks, thank you for all your thoughts and your input. I have done some more research, and finally i realized, that in order to do what i wanted i did not have to bother with serial ports and AT-commands at all. All that was needed was to do a few Windows RAS calls.

If I had just been a bit more specific in my question about what I wanted to do with my AT-commands, you would surely have told me about RAS long time ago!

I found a nice .Net DLL (DotRas) that wraps native Windows RAS for use from managed code, and it seems to do just what I need (dial a 3G modem connection from code, with any type of 3G modem I attach).

Thank you again for your time.

You can use GetCommState(), after obtaining the handle via CreateFile() with target COM port: