How to disable or change IntelliJ IDEA splash screen? How to disable or change IntelliJ IDEA splash screen? windows windows

How to disable or change IntelliJ IDEA splash screen?

To disable the splash screen add -Dnosplash=true in Help | Edit Custom VM Options or nosplash=true in Help | Edit Custom Properties.

It can be also disabled by running with nosplash command line option. For example, idea.exe nosplash (on Windows).

You can modify the menu/desktop shortcut to run with this parameter automatically.There is also a feature request to make it a setting, feel free to vote.

In case you want to change the image, it's loaded from this file:<IDEA_DIR>\lib\resources.jar\idea_logo.png.

My solution is for PhpStorm but it will be the same on other JetBrains IDEs.

  1. Open the phpstorm.vmoptions (phpstorm64.vmoptions on 64bit systems) file that is in your IDE bin directory.
  2. Add a -nosplash line at the end of the file.

Splash screen will remain, but won't be on the top.


Doesn't work in PhpStorm 2017.2

Unrecognized option: -nosplash

File->Setting then "Appearance & Behavior"->"System Settings". uncheck "Reopen last project at startup"

Let me add this is Intellij 2017.1.3