How to enter Windows Flip 3D mode on Windows Vista and above? How to enter Windows Flip 3D mode on Windows Vista and above? windows windows

How to enter Windows Flip 3D mode on Windows Vista and above?

The Shell object has the WindowSwitcher method which can invoke this mode.

Here is the Delphi code example:

uses  ComObj;procedure EnterWindowSwitcherMode;var  Shell: OleVariant;begin  try    Shell := CreateOleObject('Shell.Application');    Shell.WindowSwitcher;  finally    Shell := Unassigned;  end;end;procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);begin  if Win32MajorVersion >= 6 then // are we at least on Windows Vista ?  begin    try      EnterWindowSwitcherMode;    except      on E: Exception do        ShowMessage(E.ClassName + ': ' + E.Message);    end;  end;end;


Or as Norbert Willhelm mentioned here, there is also IShellDispatch5 object interface which in fact introduces the WindowSwitcher method. So here's another version of the same...

The following piece of code requires the Shell32_TLB.pas unit, which you can in Delphi create this way (note, that you must have at least Windows Vista where the IShellDispatch5 interface was used the first time):

  • go to menu Component / Import Component
  • continue with selected Import a Type Library
  • select Microsoft Shell Controls And Automation and finish the wizard

And the code:

uses  Shell32_TLB;procedure EnterWindowSwitcherMode;var  // on Windows Vista and Windows 7 (at this time :)  // is Shell declared as IShellDispatch5 object interface  AShell: Shell;begin  try    AShell := CoShell.Create;    AShell.WindowSwitcher;  finally    AShell := nil;  end;end;