How to get human readable name for RawInput HID device? How to get human readable name for RawInput HID device? windows windows

How to get human readable name for RawInput HID device?

I've been having a similar problem and believe I found a potential solution.

It seems you must call CreateFile with the name that RawInput provides from calling GetRawInputDeviceInfo with RIDI_DEVICENAME as the uiCommand parameter's argument. This will give you a handle to the device with which you may call HidD_GetProductString.

wchar_t DeviceName[126];HANDLE HIDHandle = CreateFile(RawInputDeviceName, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, NULL, NULL);if(HIDHandle){    BOOLEAN Result = HidD_GetProductString(HIDHandle, DeviceName, sizeof(wchar_t) * 126);    CloseHandle(HIDHandle);}

However, it seems that HidD_GetProductString fails on a majority of the devices attached on my system and only seems to succeed for my USB keyboard and a web camera. It does not succeed for my USB mouse. I have not yet discovered why this is, but perhaps my progress will aid you.

For HID devices you can use HidD_GetProductString but keyboard and mouse are not avalible via HID API on Windows and exposed as separate device types: GUID_DEVINTERFACE_KEYBOARD/GUID_DEVINTERFACE_MOUSE (they cannot be directly read by user-mode app by security reasons).

You can get their device info from device interface symbolic link like this:

  • use CM_Get_Device_Interface_Property or SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceProperty with DEVPKEY_Device_InstanceId to get device instance id (one device can have multiple interfaces).

  • after you have device instance id you can use CM_Get_DevNode_Property or SetupDiGetDeviceProperty with DEVPKEY_NAME to get localized friendly name of a device (which is shown in Device Manager).

Here is example code via CM_* API from my test repo:

bool FillDeviceInfo(const std::wstring& deviceInterfaceName){    // you need to provide deviceInterfaceName    // example from my system: `\\?\HID#VID_203A&PID_FFFC&MI_01#7&2de99099&0&0000#{378de44c-56ef-11d1-bc8c-00a0c91405dd}`    DEVPROPTYPE propertyType;    ULONG propertySize = 0;    CONFIGRET cr = ::CM_Get_Device_Interface_PropertyW(deviceInterfaceName.c_str(), &DEVPKEY_Device_InstanceId, &propertyType, nullptr, &propertySize, 0);    if (cr != CR_BUFFER_SMALL)        return false;    std::wstring deviceId;    deviceId.resize(propertySize);    cr = ::CM_Get_Device_Interface_PropertyW(deviceInterfaceName.c_str(), &DEVPKEY_Device_InstanceId, &propertyType, (PBYTE), &propertySize, 0);    if (cr != CR_SUCCESS)        return false;    // here is deviceId will contain device instance id    // example from my system: `HID\VID_203A&PID_FFFC&MI_01\7&2de99099&0&0000`    DEVINST devInst;    cr = ::CM_Locate_DevNodeW(&devInst, (DEVINSTID_W)deviceId.c_str(), CM_LOCATE_DEVNODE_NORMAL);    if (cr != CR_SUCCESS)        return false;    propertySize = 0;    cr = ::CM_Get_DevNode_PropertyW(devInst, &DEVPKEY_NAME, &propertyType, nullptr, &propertySize, 0);    if (cr != CR_BUFFER_SMALL)        return false;    std::wstring friendlyString;    friendlyString.resize(propertySize);    cr = ::CM_Get_DevNode_PropertyW(devInst, &DEVPKEY_NAME, &propertyType, (PBYTE), &propertySize, 0);    // here is friendlyString will contain localized device friendly name    propertySize = 0;    cr = ::CM_Get_DevNode_PropertyW(devInst, &DEVPKEY_Device_Manufacturer, &propertyType, nullptr, &propertySize, 0);    if (cr != CR_BUFFER_SMALL)        return false;    std::wstring manufacturer;    manufacturer.resize(propertySize);    cr = ::CM_Get_DevNode_PropertyW(devInst, &DEVPKEY_Device_Manufacturer, &propertyType, (PBYTE), &propertySize, 0);    // here is manufacturer will contain localized device "manufacturer-identifier"    return true;}

Update: it turned out that HidD_GetProductString and family is working for HID keyboard and mouse. You just need to open its device interface (path) as read-only. See for example.