How to install Kafka on Windows? How to install Kafka on Windows? windows windows

How to install Kafka on Windows?

Ok, it's finally not complicated :)

The only steps are:

  1. Download Kafka and uncompress it somewhere nice (let's say C:/Kafka)
  2. Install (recommended) WSL2 or Cygwin

If using Cygwin, edit \bin\ and at the end of the file, change



  1. In Environment Variables, Add java to your Path System Variable:

enter image description here

That's it.. you can now run ZooKeeper and Kafka servers and start playing with topics and stuff..

These are the steps I followed to run kafka on Windows

  1. Install Zookeeper first (I downloaded v3.3.6) zookeeper-3.3.6.tar.gz
  2. Extract Zookeeper and run this command in powershell/cmd \zookeeper-3.3.6\bin> .\zkServer.cmd Now this should up a Zookeeper instance on localhost:2181
  3. Download Kafka binary version (I downloaded v0.10.0.1)kafka_2.10-
  4. Extract Kafka, time to modify some configs
  5. Inside Kafka extraction you can find .\config\
  6. In .\config\ replace log.dirs=c:/kafka/kafka-logs
  7. Note: Make sure to create those folders in relevant paths
  8. Happy news: Now Kafka ships with windows .bat scripts, You can find these files inside ./bin/windows folder
  9. Start powershell/cmd and run this command to start Kafka broker .\bin\windows\kafka-server-start.bat .\config\
  10. DONE!, Now you have a running Zookeeper instance and a Kafka broker.

A more current answer for the benefit of anyone else still wondering about this, I downloaded the binary and everything worked right out of the box. The source version, however, didn't work.