How to monitor MySQL queries on Windows How to monitor MySQL queries on Windows windows windows

How to monitor MySQL queries on Windows

  1. Send this command to the server:set global general_log=1;
  2. Find the log file (the default on Win7 it resides in C:\ProgramData\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1\data) and has a name just like the computer.
  3. Examine the log :)
  4. Set the general_log back to 0 to return the DB server performance back to normal.

What worked for me on local windows 7 x64 installation of MYSQL 5.6 was:

  • Open your my.ini file and make sure you have these lines:

    Long query log

    long_query_time = 1slow_query_log = 1slow_query_log_file = "C:\Zend\MySQL5.6\slowquery.log"

    Set General Log

    general_log=1general_log_file = "C:\Zend\MySQL5.6\genquery.log"
  • Save file and restart the service

To switch off general query logs, set general_log value to 0 and restart.And do not forget to change the paths of log files to match your system.

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