How to play audio file on windows from command line? How to play audio file on windows from command line? windows windows

How to play audio file on windows from command line?

Old question, new answer - you could use PowerShell:

powershell -c (New-Object Media.SoundPlayer 'c:\PathTo\YourSound.wav').PlaySync();

Use VBScript:

Set objArgs = Wscript.Argumentsif (objArgs.Count = 0) then    Wscript.echo "I need a sound file as argument!"    WScript.Quit 123end ifWscript.echo "Playing: " & objArgs(0) & "..."Set objPlayer = createobject("Wmplayer.OCX.7")With objPlayer  ' saves typing    .settings.autoStart = True    .settings.volume = 50  ' 0 - 100    .settings.balance = 0  ' -100 to 100    .settings.enableErrorDialogs = False    .enableContextMenu = False    .URL = objArgs(0)    WScript.Sleep(10000)  ' time to load and start playing    '.Controls.Pause()  ' stopEnd WithMsgBox "if WMP is still playing, clicking OK will end it", _    vbInformation, "WMP Demo finished"

If the VBScript process ends, the Media Player ends too, you have to wait for it (I don't need it, my sounds are only some seconds long).

I used this for my special case today:!topic/microsoft.public.scripting.vbscript/gfOOvnN8t-U