How to quickly open the current directory from the command prompt? OS - Windows How to quickly open the current directory from the command prompt? OS - Windows windows windows

How to quickly open the current directory from the command prompt? OS - Windows

You can try:

start .


explorer .

. is a shortcut for current directory.

In PowerShell command prompt:

ii .

ii is a shortcut for Invoke-Item.

Use the . to indicate the current directory:

explorer .

Just to add to the answers above (tested on windows 10)

Open current directory

explorer .explorer ...explorer ....explorer .......start . start ...start ....start ........

Open subfolder of current directory

start .\subfolderexplorer .\subfolder

Open the parent directory of current directory

explorer ..start ..

Navigate to another folder from the parent directory

start ..\another-folderexplorer ..\another-folder