how to set environment variable from file contents? how to set environment variable from file contents? windows windows

how to set environment variable from file contents?

Just use: set /P PATH=< dat

You must note that echo %PATH% > dat insert an additional space after %PATH% value; that space may cause problems if an additional path is later added to PATH variable. Just eliminate the extra space this way: echo %PATH%> dat.

echo %PATH% will fail if the PATH contains an unquoted & or ^ (this is not likely, but certainly possible)

A more reliable solution is to use:

setlocal enableDelayedExpansionecho !path!>dat

Then you can use Aacini's suggested method of reading the value back in

set /p "PATH=" <dat

This might be evil but on Windows I am using this:

for /F %%g in (dat) do set PATH=%%g

and this to write the file because I had trouble with spaces

echo>dat %PATH%