How to set proxy in docker toolbox? How to set proxy in docker toolbox? windows windows

How to set proxy in docker toolbox?

I encountered the same problem. Here is my solution.


Win7, Docker Toolbox 17.03, cmder terminal, behind enterprise proxy setting.


in C:\Program Files\Docker Toolbox, find file. add following two proxy settings:

export http_proxy="http://hostname:port/"export https_proxy="http://hostname:port/"

At least, it works for me.

I have a similar problem for Windows 7 but it was resolved by these steps :

  • Step 1. Create a batch script C:\Program Files\Docker Toolbox\kitematic_proxy.cmd with below configuration

    set proxy=YOUR_PROXYSET HTTP_PROXY=%proxy%SET HTTPS_PROXY=%proxy% for /f %%i in ('docker-machine.exe ip default') do set DOCKER_HOST=%%iSET NO_PROXY=%DOCKER_HOST%set DOCKER_HOST=tcp://%DOCKER_HOST%:2376cd KitematicKitematic.exe
  • Step 2. Open Oracle Virtual machine from the start menu , go to command prompt by clicking Show (Make sure your Oracle Vm is up and running)

enter image description here

enter sudo vi /var/lib/boot2docker/profile

add this lines


use your proxy address & port

this link help me a lot


  1. Don't forget to add ip to your proxy setting's exception list (use inetcpl.cpl )
  2. Don't forget to add HTTP_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY to your user variable (Advance settings->Environment variables)
  3. Don't forget to restart your pc

Installing docker on windows 7 (docker 18.09.0) behind an enterprise proxy was quite complicated for me. Here are the steps I followed:

  1. set HTTP_PROXY variable in your windows environment (HTTP_PROXY=http://your_proxy:port)
  2. install docker toolbox with installer or run in powershell as admin: choco install docker-toolbox (Warning! Don't use Docker for windows, as it targets Windows 10)
  3. ensure you don't have any previous VM created by your previous attempts ( docker-machine ls should be empty. If not run: docker-machine rm default)
  4. run in powershell as user: docker-machine --native-ssh create -d virtualbox --engine-env HTTP_PROXY=$HTTP_PROXY --engine-env HTTPS_PROXY=$HTTPS_PROXY default.
  5. run C:\Program Files\Docker Toolbox\
  6. Now run docker pull busybox. This should work.