How to split a directory string in Ruby? How to split a directory string in Ruby? windows windows

How to split a directory string in Ruby?

The correct answer is to use Ruby's Pathname (in-built class since 1.8.7, not a gem).

See the code:

require 'pathname'def split_path(path)    Pathname(path).each_filename.to_aend

Doing this will discard the information whether the path was absolute or relative. To detect this, you can call absolute? method on Pathname.


There's no built-in function to split a path into its component directories like there is to join them, but you can try to fake it in a cross-platform way:


This works with relative paths and on non-Unix platforms, but for a path that starts with "/" as the root directory, then you'll get an empty string as your first element in the array, and we'd want "/" instead.

directory_string.split(File::SEPARATOR).map {|x| x=="" ? File::SEPARATOR : x}

If you want just the directories without the root directory like you mentioned above, then you can change it to select from the first element on.

directory_string.split(File::SEPARATOR).map {|x| x=="" ? File::SEPARATOR : x}[1..-1]

Rake provides a split_all method added to FileUtils. It's pretty simple and uses File.split:

def split_all(path)  head, tail = File.split(path)  return [tail] if head == '.' || tail == '/'  return [head, tail] if head == '/'  return split_all(head) + [tail]endtaken from rake-0.9.2/lib/rake/file_utils.rb

The rake version has slightly different output from Rudd's code. Rake's version ignores multiple slashes:

irb(main):014:0> directory_string = "/foo/bar///../fn"=> "/foo/bar///../fn"irb(main):015:0> directory_string.split(File::SEPARATOR).map {|x| x=="" ? File::SEPARATOR : x}[1..-1]=> ["foo", "bar", "/", "/", "..", "fn"]irb(main):016:0> split_all directory_string=> ["/", "foo", "bar", "..", "fn"]irb(main):017:0>