How to use Node's debug module (Windows)? How to use Node's debug module (Windows)? windows windows

How to use Node's debug module (Windows)?

As Traveling Tech Guy suggested in the comment, in a Windows command prompt, the proper syntax is:

set DEBUG=* & npm start

Obviously you can replace npm start with whatever command you need to launch your Node.js app. Just be sure to use the set command and don't forget the & between that command and the one launching your Node.js app!

If you are used to powershell, I recommend this setup in your package.json, then you can just run npm start so you don't type all that out every time.

"scripts": {    "start": "@powershell $env:DEBUG='*,-express:router*' ; node app.js"},

Install debug package with npm inside the node application

npm install debug

Open a powershell and then

$Env:DEBUG="name_to_call"node path_to_js_to_execute.js

Inside your pgm

var debug = require('debug')('name_to_call');