I can't install rmagick gem on windows I can't install rmagick gem on windows windows windows

I can't install rmagick gem on windows

Ruby > 1.8.6
DevKit (any version)
No other ImageMagick installation or PATH entry

Step 1:Installing ImageMagick:

Download ImageMagick:http://imagemagick.spd.co.il/binaries/ImageMagick-6.8.0-3-Q16-windows-dll.exe

Install ImageMagick:
*Important: The installation path should NOT contain any spaces.
Ideally select “C:\ImageMagick″

Please make sure to select the below options:

Add application directory to your path system
Install development headers and libraries for C and C++

Step 2:Installing rmagick:

Use the following command to install rmagick gem:

gem install rmagick --platform=ruby -- --with-opt-lib=c:/ImageMagick/lib --with-opt-include=c:/ImageMagick/include



I have the same problem, my environment was:

windows XP (x32)ruby 1.9.3p484 (2013-11-22) [i386-mingw32]DevKit-tdm-32-4.5.2-20111229-1559-sfxImageMagick-6.8.8-2-Q8-x64-static.exe

I install rmagik gem successfully, after reinstalling of ImageMagick from v6.8.8 to 6.6.7.It was just a problem of incompatibility versions...

Use rmagick-win32 gem, and it doesn't need ImageMagick separately. This is bundled.

please have a look: http://rmagick.rubyforge.org/install-faq.html#win