Identifier for win64 configuration in Qmake Identifier for win64 configuration in Qmake windows windows

Identifier for win64 configuration in Qmake

I do it like this

win32 {    ## Windows common build here    !contains(QMAKE_TARGET.arch, x86_64) {        message("x86 build")        ## Windows x86 (32bit) specific build here    } else {        message("x86_64 build")        ## Windows x64 (64bit) specific build here    }}

Since Qt5 you can use QT_ARCH to detect whether your configuration is 32 or 64. When the target is 32-bit, that returns i386 and in case of a 64-bit target it has the value of x86_64. So it can be used like:

contains(QT_ARCH, i386) {    message("32-bit")} else {    message("64-bit")}

UPDATE: since very recently, Qt has a way of doing this transparently and easily, without manual hassle:

win32-g++:contains(QMAKE_HOST.arch, x86_64):{    do something}

Source: the brand new Qt Dev FAQ