Inno Setup - Check if file exist in destination or else if doesn't abort the installation Inno Setup - Check if file exist in destination or else if doesn't abort the installation windows windows

Inno Setup - Check if file exist in destination or else if doesn't abort the installation

Just don't let the user proceed until they pick the correct folder.

function NextButtonClick(PageId: Integer): Boolean;begin    Result := True;    if (PageId = wpSelectDir) and not FileExists(ExpandConstant('{app}\yourapp.exe')) then begin        MsgBox('YourApp does not seem to be installed in that folder.  Please select the correct folder.', mbError, MB_OK);        Result := False;        exit;    end;end;

Of course, it's also a good idea to try to automatically pick the correct folder for them, eg. by retrieving the correct location out of the registry.

Another solution would be the InitializeSetup():

Credit: Manfred

[code]   function InitializeSetup(): Boolean;   begin     if (FileExists(ExpandConstant('{pf}\{#MyAppName}\somefile.exe'))) then     begin       MsgBox('Installation validated', mbInformation, MB_OK);       Result := True;     end     else     begin       MsgBox('Abort installation', mbCriticalError, MB_OK);       Result := False;     end;   end;