Installing modules using Strawberry Perl Installing modules using Strawberry Perl windows windows

Installing modules using Strawberry Perl

You can still use ppm, but it is not recommended. Run CPAN client from the Strawberry Perl or Strawberry Perl (64-bit), sub folder Tools, entry in the Start menu.

Type install Module::Name there.

As Alexandr says, you can use the CPAN client via the start menu. You can also install modules just as you would on Unix from the DOS window:

perl -MCPAN -e shellinstall Quantum::Entanglement

You can also download the .tar.gz from CPAN, unzip it and install as you would in Unix:

cd Module-Name-1.23perl Makefile.PLdmakedmake testdmake install

You may need to make sure your %PATH% environment variable has the right entry to get to Strawberry Perl, and does not contain other copies of dmake or gcc, which will sometimes lead to headaches.

Change the directory:

cd C:\Strawberry\perl\bin


C:\Strawberry\perl\bin>cpan Lingua::EN::Sentence

and the module will install automatically.