Installing PEAR on wampserver Installing PEAR on wampserver windows windows

Installing PEAR on wampserver

It's not installed per default on all setups.

But you can download the plain go-pear script for that:
Either invoke it with php.exe go-pear or run it through your webserver as regular .php script. (It has a nice installation GUI!)

Rather new to pear myself, but my answer to a similar question:Running Wampserver 2.2 on Win7 Professional 64bit working with PHP 5.3.8 I have found a few issues with standard way of installing with go-pear. I downloaded the go-pear.phar and ran that via cmd with no deprecated errors etc.

you could also just go to the pear site, download the zips and unzip them in the correct local folders (wamp/bin/php)

we've just solved a similar problem like this, where a copy of a live site set up on a local machine was hitting errors because PEAR was not installed. The installation process was hitting errors so we just downloaded and unzipped PEAR and the required modules directly into the correct directory.

problem solved.