Installing PHP YAML Extension with XAMPP on Windows Installing PHP YAML Extension with XAMPP on Windows windows windows

Installing PHP YAML Extension with XAMPP on Windows

With a bit of help from the readers I seem to have narrowed down the steps to accomplish this.

  1. Download the latest YAML DLL Package
  2. Unzip the files
  3. Move the php_yaml.dll file to xampp/php/ext folder
  4. Open your php.ini in xampp/php and add the line extension=php_yaml.dll, save and exit
  5. Now move the yaml.dll file from the zip folder contents and move it to the xampp/apache/bin folder
  6. Close and restart your XAMPP Servers
  7. Load a php script echo phpinfo();
  8. Search the string yaml on the page. If it says Enabled then your YAML Extension is working.

As of 2018.04.17, Windows 10, Step 5 above is nonsensical: there is no yaml.dll available.

My solution was to copy the php.ini file from the php folder into the location Apache was looking into for its use of php.phpinfo() told me that was c:\windows (which you need admin rights to write into)

Earlier I had just copied php_yaml.dll into the apache dll folder. I have left it there maybe it's part of the solution too.

PS. Thanks &^%* admins for deleting my earlier call for help. THAT didn't help.

Originally answered by @shadoweye14. As of php 7.4. Here is the updated answer.

  1. Download the latest YAML DLL Package
  2. Unzip the files
  3. Move the php_yaml.dll file to xampp/php/ext folder
  4. Open your php.ini in xampp/php and add the line extension=php_yaml.dll, save and exit
  5. Close and restart your XAMPP Servers
  6. Load a php script echo phpinfo();
  7. Search the string yaml on the page. If it says Enabled then your YAML Extension is working.