InterlockedExchange and memory visibility InterlockedExchange and memory visibility windows windows

InterlockedExchange and memory visibility

They did that to prevent partial reads/writes if the address of iValue is not aligned to an address that guarantees atomic access. this problem would arise when two or more physical thread try to write the value concurrently, or one reads and one tries to write at the same time.

As a secondary point, it should be noted that stores are not always globally visible, they are only going to be visible when serialized, either by a fence or by a bus lock.

You simply get an atomic operation with InterlockedExchange. Why you need it?Cause InterlockedExchange does 2 things.

  1. Replaces a value of variable
  2. Returns an old value

If you do the same things in 2 operations (Thus first check value then replace) you can get screwed if other instructions (on another thread) occur between these 2.

And you also prevent data races on this value. here you get a good explanation why read/write on a LONG is not atomic

There are two plausible resolutions to the contradiction you've observed.

One is that the second document is simply wrong in that particular respect. It is, after all, a draft. I note that the example you refer to specifically states that the programmer cannot rely on the writes to be atomic, which means that both writes must indeed be interlocked.

The other is that the additional interlock might not actually be required in that particular example, because it is a very special case: only a single bit of the variable is being changed. However, the specification being developed doesn't appear to mention this as a premise, so I doubt that this is intentional.